Carry Respect, Not A Blade

Our training.

Spreading the word about child criminal exploitation is essential. It is happening in your region, and it can happen to ANY child. 

What we offer.

The Joe Dix Foundation offers a range of services provided by volunteers with extensive experience with children and CCE training. We offer presentations, outreach detached youth work and one to one family support.  



We have previously attended several events with our gazebo, banners and leaflets to spread Joe’s story and raise awareness of exploitation and knife crime. If you have an event that would be appropriate for us to have an stand, we would love to be invited. 


The JDF prides itself in offering bespoke  presentations and training specifically designed for the targeted audience. In our presentations we aim to  deliver Joe’s story by family members who have lived experience of exploitation and knife crime in Norwich. The presentation features real life examples and experiences from the family. Presentations are typically 45-60 mins long depending on how interactive the audience is.


The Foundation has series of leaflets and posters available for display or distribution. These include:

  • ‘It could be you’ leaflet for children
  • ‘It can happen to any child’ for adults
  • ‘How to stem a bleed’ poster
  • ‘Knife crime in Norfolk’ poster


The Foundation is working with a team qualified and practicing paramedics  from NR Medical Training. Alongside the presentations we offer practical first aid training sessions delivered by the paramedics with unique ‘How to stem a bleed’ training. These hands on sessions involve CPR, with and without equipment and catastrophic bleed training also with and without equipment. These sessions are hands on so can only be delivered in smaller groups. 

Please contact the us to discuss you individual needs on 07796166005 or email [email protected]

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