Catastrophic Bleeds
This is defined as extreme bleeding that is likely to cause death in minutes. Usually as the result of an accident or injury where an artery has been punctured. The wound may be gushing or pumping out.
Basic first aid
Apply pressure – The first rule of bleed management is applying direct pressure to the wound. Use your hand, finger or knee if required to put enough pressure on the wound area to limit the bleeding. The leak is coming from an artery which is smaller in diameter than your finger, so focus on the area and get your (gloved) fingers in there, LOTS of pressure will be required to stem the flow. There is a lot of blood pressure to fight against, so press hard!
Get help – Call for help if you are on your own. Also call 999 . If someone else is with you, they can check airway and breathing while you get into the wound to stop it bleeding.
Improvise if required! If we don’t have the correct equipment to hand, you need to improvise with anything absorbent to pack the wound and apply pressure.
Continue to press until professional medical help arrives and takes over.
Bleed bags
If there is more than 1 person to treat the casualty, the ambulance control may direct the other individual to collect a bleed bag if there is one located near by.
What is a bleed bag?
Is a highly visible grab bag that is small enough to store securely yet can be easily located. Bleed bags are specialised trauma kits designed to provide bystanders with the products they need to stop life threatening bleeding until paramedics arrive.
Bleed bags are ideal for:
- Schools
- Offices
- Entertainment centres
- Sporting venues
- Manufacturing industries
- Or anywhere else
The contents of a bleed bag.
What’s included?
- MERE Responder Pouch Pro
- Trauma Fix Dressing 10X18cm
- CAT Tourniquet
- CELOX Fox Vented Chest Seal
- Trauma Fix Dressing 15X18cm
- Examination Gloves
- MERE Foil Blanket
- First-Aid Guidance leaflet
- Permanent Marker Pen
- High Power Light Stick
- Bleed Control Aid-Memoire

In collaboration with Mere Supplies, The Joe Dix Foundation is able to provide bleed bags that can be purchased and
All bleed bags that are located in East Anglia will be registered with the East of England Ambulance Control. When an emergency call is received, the call handler will be able to direct the caller to the bags location, if there is one nearby.
Shops and premises with Joe Dix Foundation bleed bags will have a sticker in the property window.
Lockable cabinet:
These are red polycarbonate with a stainless steel keypad lock. They are ideal to be located outside buildings, and allow 24 hour access.
These are also available to purchase from The Joe Dix Foundation.