Carry Respect, Not A Blade

Our Team

These are the amazing and unique members behind The Joe Dix Foundation.

Emma Dix-Founder and trustee

Joe was Emma’s first-born child and only son. After Joe’s murder, Emma & Phil decided that they wanted to use their experiences to help other parents and youngsters. They joined forces with Lorraine Bliss in summer 2022 and have been building the Foundation since.

Emma qualified as a diagnostic radiographer in 1999 working both in the NHS and private sector. In 2011 she completed her PGD in ultrasound and now manages the antenatal ultrasound department at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital. Emma takes pride in leading her team by example and always has patient care at heart.

Emma Is growing in confident public speaking and has learnt lots of new skills and made new connections since the Foundation started. In her spare time, Emma finds long walks with her dog Buddy very therapeutic. She also loves spending time with Bethany, her daughter. Emma survives on coffee and Cadburys chocolate when she gets stressed.

Phil Dix-Designated safeguarding lead and trustee

Joe was Phil’s only son, and his labourer at work. Phil and Joe had been working together on the 28th January 2022, the day that Joe was murdered. Phil and Joe shared the love of Nike trainers, caps and designer clothes.

Phil qualified as a carpenter at Norwich City College in 1997. Phil owns and runs Phil Dix Carpentry. He does a mixture of domestic and subcontracted work all over the country.

Phil has a passion for sport, watching football and playing cricket at Sprowston Cricket Club where he also manages the bar in the club house. Phil has completed his first aid training and about to undertake the designated safeguarding lead training course in November.

Phil has a great ability to engage and communicate with youngsters both at work and cricket. Joe’s friends find Phil approachable and easy to talk to. Phil is looking to use his previous experiences to raise awareness and prevent other families being in his situation.

Claire Dix-Events team & trustee.

Claire was appointed as a trustee and the treasurer of the Joe Dix Foundation in February 2023; she considers it a true honour. Joe was Claires nephew and the passion and determination she has to make this foundation a success by making a difference to the lives of young people, is immense.  Claire is proud to have joined a team of trustees who are deeply dedicated to ending criminal child exploitation and knife crime and is confident that they will achieve positive outcomes from the focus and hard work, while spreading awareness in the local communities.

Born in Norwich, Claire is a very proud mum of two children and spends most of her spare time ferrying them around to after school clubs and football games.

Claire is a self-employed nail artist and have been for the past 9 years. A big part of her job not only involves carrying out beauty treatments, but also offering her clients a listening ear. Claire has experience in book-keeping through running her own business and would describe herself as a perfectionist!!

Alan Bliss-Chairperson & trustee

Alan is a retired Employment Legal Specialist, Tribunal Advocate and Consultant who has volunteered and campaigned for many years for opportunities and social justice for young people who are less able to speak for themselves. He is an experienced Charity Trustee and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our Trustee Board.

When given time to himself, he enjoys all sports but especially Cricket and Football, and like his wife, Lorraine is a lifelong Arsenal fan. Recently he has developed a taste for Gardening and is an avid wannabe Artist.

Lorraine Bliss MBE- trustee & fundraiser

Lorraine recently retired as CEO of St Edmunds Society, in Norwich where she had been since 1991 spending most of that time in the role of CEO. In addition, being a Trustee of the Joe Dix Foundation, she currently advises on young people projects in the Voluntary Sector. She is widely regarded as a champion of young people and has campaigned endlessly for improved opportunities for those that have struggled or been unable to cope in traditional educational settings. Set up in 1966 originally as an accommodation project for young men, St Eds Trustee Board influenced by Lorraine, took the view that to make a real difference to the homeless problem it was necessary to change their outlook completely and find a way of giving those largely without any qualifications, the opportunity to learn a trade or something that would see them able to work, earn money and contribute to society as a whole. Many were talented and had much to offer but had become used to constant rejection and failure. Lorraine has presided over an incredible journey of growth and change and  took St Eds to become the largest independent Alternative Provision in Norfolk, offering young people some 150 training places a week in a variety of vocational skills but mainly Construction, at their centre in Norwich and an avid supporter of YouthBuild UK.

Formal recognition of her efforts came when she received an MBE from HRH Prince William, in the 2019 New Year’s Honours List and a celebration of her charity achievements where she was presented to HM King Charles, (then Prince of Wales) at Buckingham Palace, in 2020. Her energy seldom wanes, and she is regularly found lobbying politicians and striving to identify ways to make the plight of the young people who she describes as the “forgotten generation” that much better.

When she finally relaxes, she enjoys travelling in the company of Alan, her husband of many years and spending time with the rest of her family and grandchildren. Her secret vices are her boxer dog Ruben and she is a lifelong
and passionate “Gooner” (Arsenal fan)

Stuart Dix-Secretary and trustee

Stuart is one of Joes uncles. Stuart works in the construction industry and have done since leaving school over 30 years ago. He is currently a project manager at Mackinnon Construction.

Stuart is married with 2 children; they live on the outskirts of Norwich. Stuart really enjoys playing sports and has played East League Hockey for nearly 35 years. He represents his club on a Saturday and has previously represented Norfolk County at over 40’s level.

His other sporting pursuit is Squash which he plays weekly. Stuart feels that growing up playing sport and being in a team has given him a grounding and taught him responsibility at a young age. When Joe was growing up Stuart was mesmerised by Joe’s natural sporting ability to be very proficient at anything he tried. Cricket, Football and Rugby he was the standout player on the pitch.

Rachel Crook-Events team and trustee

Rachel and Emma have been part of each other’s lives for nearly 40 years. Having initially meet at brownies, they have grown up together becoming great friends and being there for each other for the best and worst moments that life brings. Rachel is married with 2 teenage children which she spends most of her free time as mum taxi, taking her children to sporting clubs and music lessons. Emma, Phil and Rachels children have all grown up together and are like cousins.

Rachel has previously worked in the travel industry but then retrained as a classroom teaching assistant. For the past 7 years she has been a teaching assistant at a primary school where she spends a lot of her time supporting and helping youngsters.

Rachel was pleased to be asked to be a Trustee and fundraiser for the Joe Dix Foundation. She is looking forward to being able to support the Foundation to raise awareness among children and their families around child criminal.

Emma Harding-Events team and trustee

Emma H has had the pleasure of working with Emma D for several years, she was her mentor when she started training in ultrasound, little did they know they would become good friends along the way, and they developed a supportive friendship in and out of work. They have laughed, cried together but generally have a good grump about things (over a coffee and cake).

Emma H was very honoured to have been asked to be a trustee for the Joe Dix Foundation. Emma has 2 grown up children aged 22 and 18 and the reality is they could easily have been exploited like Joe. Both Emma’s children both have a passion for BMX racing and have all travelled the world with this. Emma volunteered her spare time at the local BMX club and was a trained children’s and vulnerable adults’ welfare officer. She also has a British Cycling Commissaire qualification and has volunteered at a variety of BMX Events, looking after the children and Adults on race days.

Emma is hoping she can support and raise awareness via the foundation to other families and their friends whose children are sadly being exploited into the world of drugs, gangs and knife crime.